Sample excel sheet containing type and quantities needed for mercury free devices and healthcare waste management including logistics and transportation for medium size hospitals.
Sample excel sheet containing type and quantities needed for mercury free devices and healthcare waste management including logistics and transportation for medium size hospitals.
UNDP GEF regional Africa project in Ghana, Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia. Results and lessons learnt, long-term sustainability, and repository tools for greener health care waste management. For more information:
Monitoring report on biogas production resulting from the bio-digester of pathological waste in Dar es Salaam.
Step-by-step video instructions on maintenance procedures of autoclaves. 1) Preparing for maintenance 2) Maintaining the water supply system 3) Maintaining the boiler 4) Maintaining the steering system 5) Maintaining the strainer 6) Testing the heating elements 7) Adjusting the pressure switch 8) Changing the filter of the vacuum breaker and the valves of the JSD1300 9) Maintaining the door of the JSD1300 10) Maintaining the printer
Step-by-step video with instructions on testing autoclaves. 1) Testing the water quality; 2) Bowie Dick Test; 3) Challenge Test (Helix); 4) Chemical Indicator Test; 5) Biological testing; 6) Using a test pack; 7) Thermometric testing; 8) Carrying out a test cycle; 9) Preparing a large autoclave for testing; 10) Evaluation of a test cycle; 11) Evaluation of a test cycle – Large autoclave; 12) Evaluation of a thermometric testing
Summary of actions, achievement and lessons learned of the GEF financed UNDP/WHO/HCWH project to Reduce UPOPs and Mercury Releases from the Health Sector in Africa (Ghana, Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia). For more information:
Summary of actions, achievement and lessons learned undertaken to reduce mercury of the GEF financed UNDP/WHO/HCWH project to Reduce UPOPs and Mercury Releases from the Health Sector in Africa (Ghana, Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia). For more information:
Contains information on segregation, waste transportation within the health care facility, temporary waste storage, the use personal protective equipment, managing spills, post exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Also available in Kannada. For more information:
Zip file of documents containing domestic market analysis tools for the following groups: state pollution control boards, officials of municipal corporations, the Department of Health and Family Welfare and health care facilities and the operators of chemicals and biomedical waste treatment facilities. For more information:
Zip file of documents. For more information:
Zip file of documents including handbooks for administrators, doctors, nurses, waste handlers on biomedical waste management and Standard Operating Procedures. Training covers segregation, decontamination and compaction of the medical waste as well as participatory funding systems and enhancement of relevant existing laws and regulations. Also available in Kannada. For more information:
An independent evaluation of the project. For more information:
Independent evaluation of the project: Protect Human Health and the Environment from Unintentional Releases of POPs and Mercury from the Unsound Disposal of Healthcare Waste in Kyrgyzstan. For more information:
Final evaluation report of the project: Managing Healthcare Waste and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Project in Tunisia. For more information:
Independent terminal evaluation of the GEF financed UNDP implemented project: NIP update, integration of POPs into national planning and promoting sound healthcare waste management in Kazakhstan. For more information:
A zip folder containing SOP templates for HCWM including pharmaceutical waste, mercury waste, long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and formaldehyde spillages.
Excel file – List of estimated costs and equipment – including personal protective equipment (PPE), consumables, logistic, transport and storage equipment as well as waste treatment equipment – needed to set up onsite waste treatment solutions in healthcare facilities ranging in size, up to 300 beds hospital.
The document gives key considerations and step by step guidance for the phasing out of mercury containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers. For more information:
توجيهات حول اختبار تحدي الأحياء المجهرية لأجهزة تعقيم أوتوكلاف لمعالجة مخلفات الرعاية الصحية
This is a guidance for microbiological challenge test using self-contained biological indicators of Geobacillus stearothermophilus placed into carriers that are then placed inside the waste bag to demonstrate a > 4 log reduction of the bacterial spores. The objective of the test protocol is to demonstrate the ability of an autoclave to effectively treat medical waste according to accepted treatment standards. Also available in Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian.
A mid-term review report of the “Protect Human Health and the Environment from Unintentional Releases of POPs Originating from Incineration and Open Burning of Healthcare- and Electronic Waste” Project in Egypt. For more information, project website:
The replacement of mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers (blood pressure measuring device) with non‐mercury alternatives is a major step towards mercury‐free health care. This guidance presents general procedures for maintaining and calibrating common types of non‐mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers. General information is also provided on validation protocols for non‐mercury devices. Also available in Arabic, French and Russian.
Health Care Without Harm – Profiling the initiatives of healthcare workers in 7 hospitals in the Philippines. 1) The zero-waste practice at Maria Reyna-Xavier University Hospital in Cagayan de Oro City; 2) Safe practices to prevent radiation exposure in General Santos Doctors Hospitals; 3) Use of safer alternatives for hospital cleaning at St. Paul Hospital, Tuguegarao City; 4) Sustainable energy production through a biodigester at Perpetual Succor Hospital in Cebu City; 5) Wastewater treatment at Our Lady of Peace in Las Piñas and 6) Philippine Heart Center; and 7) Mercury-free dental service at San Lazaro Hospital.
This document provides guidance on how to package and transport Infectious Waste (classified as UN 3291) on public roads. Postal, airline and shipping of Infectious Waste is not considered by this document, because it is subject to special international or national regulations.
This publication is intended to assist countries to establish release inventories of polychlorinated dibenzopdioxins and dibenzofurans at a national or regional level. For more information:
UNEP guidance provides detailed process descriptions and information on types of waste treated, ranges of capacities, pathogen destruction, emissions, operational details, installation requirements, and maintenance needs for 10 generic treatment technologies:
1) Autoclaves, 2) Hybrid autoclaves, 3) Continuous steam treatment, 4) Batch microwave, 5) Continuous microwave, 6) Frictional heat treatment, 7) Dry heat treatment, 8) Incineration and related technologies, 9) Alkaline hydrolysis, and 10) Chemical treatment systems.
Independent evaluation of the GEF financed UNDP/WHO/HCWH implemented global project: Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Healthcare Waste to Avoid Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury – Argentina, India, Latvia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Senegal and Vietnam. For more information:
The baseline assessment is comprised of the following elements: i) Basic facility data; ii) Baseline rapid assessment; iii) Information on current waste management practices; iv) Waste generation data; v) Information on current training practices; vi) Occupational safety data; vii) Cost data; viii) Dioxin inventory; ix) Mercury usage data. Also available in Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian.
The estimation methods in this guidance is to estimate dioxin releases specific to a model healthcare facility, a model centralized treatment plant (if applicable), a model immunization program (if applicable), and to compare them with national estimates from the country’s dioxin inventory under the Stockholm Convention. This guidance also includes estimation methods for other persistent organic pollutants that may be found in the model facility or plant. Also available in Arabic, French and Russian.
Presentation conveyed in Indian Society of Hospital Waste Management Conference 2013
(Zip file of documents)
(Zip file of documents)
Sharp waste container designed by the National Research Intitute of Mechanical Engineering in Hanoi, Vietnam. Includes engineering drawings.
(Zip file of documents)
(Zip file of documents)
Comparative study of healthcare staff preferences on non-mercury thermometers – compact electronic, electronic, infrared tympanic, infrared temporal, and Galinstan in-glass thermometers. The study was carried out in Nabatieh Governmental Hospital in Lebanon.
Excel file, also available in French. For more information:
This guidance document deals with different forms of mercury waste from healthcare facilities: i) Elemental mercury collected from broken mercury devices; ii) Undamaged mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers; iii) Devices and equipment containing elemental mercury (gastro-intestinal tubes such as Cantor tubes, esophageal dilators, bougie, and Miller-Abbott tubes; mercury switches, etc.); iv) Broken glassware contaminated with elemental mercury (specifically, broken thermometers and sphygmomanometers); v) Fluorescent lamps (fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lights, UV germicidal lamps); vi) Dental amalgam. Also available in Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian.
Outil d’Évaluation Rapide – Individualisé Gestion des déchets des activités de soins
Индивидуализированный инструмент быстрой оценки • Управление медицинскими отходами.
The decision to engage in a specific mercury replacement activity, in addition to the substitution of mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers, should be based on eight factors: 1.Overall environmental impact; 2.Cost-effectiveness of the activity; 3.Total installed capital cost of the activity; 4.Operating costs resulting from the activity; 5.Availability of mercury-free or mercury-reduced products; 6.Impact on energy consumption; 7.Ease of implementation; 8.Acceptance by the healthcare facility management and staff. Also available in Arabic, Russian and Spanish.
This document provides practical guidelines for planners, managers of health-care facilities or mobile vaccine team leaders to improve planning and coordination at the central level as well as waste management practices at the local level where immunization activities are conducted. For more information:
Article discusses a virtual meeting of health care waste management stakeholders in Ghana. It gives a snapshot of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the group including waste pickers/ transporters and discusses Ghana’s Waste Recovery Platform. Article accessible at: